
As is his wont of late, La Loca Pesadilla uses his brief Code 45* to comment on how we might find a way to wake up from this ongoing nightmare. He knows his opposite-of-winning record looks bad on him, and his well-documented vanity can’t handle it. He needs a scapegoat.

Pre ACA, I was denied insurance as a healthy woman in my mid-20s because I had gotten a pap smear (with perfectly normal, healthy results) the year before. You know, the (at the time) annually recommended cancer screening every adult woman is supposed to get. I appealed, pointing out that it made literally no sense to

I am a boring middle aged librarian. I worked mostly with other boring middle aged librarians in a downtown public library branch with a sizeable homeless population. One day, an argument erupted over a seat in the reading room, and one patron stabbed another. A boring middle aged librarian saved the man’s life by

you have to wonder if this ignorance is plain willful.

I know there are people responding you saying that commenting is bad, but just as with everything, the opinions of black people are not a monolith. I, a black woman, with a kinky curly afro welcome comments and compliments about my hair. I find absolutely no offense to a simple comment without pandering.

omg, fuck that guy for trying to take off your hat! no no no!!!

And we love doing it!

I’m enjoying reading this like it’s a circa 2005 LiveJournal blog post about a group of girlfriends going out to hate-watch The Worst Movie Night, Wine Required. So I’m torn between “why would you all do this to yourselves, I hope you got paid a bonus for risking your mental sanity” and “Can I come too, you guys seem


Those fucking haunted vases. They’re the bane of good men everywhere who are unfairly labeled domestic abusers.

I’ve had that argument with people from all walks of life too. Men who want to know why we just don’t tell them “no” like a big girl, conservative women who want to know why we have encouraged women to embrace their sexuality if we weren’t prepared for this behavior from men, liberal women who preach how THEY always

No disagreement on the need for men to step up. You’re going to get a percentage of men, particularly if they’re being pressured by the women in their lives, and there will also be a percentage who would never support gun control even if their own children (or their property, if you ask them) were gunned down by a


DV prosecutor here. My state is also considering abolishing cash bail. I’m in a strange position as a liberal opposing this widely accepted measure. Cash bail is one of the few tools we have to keep our victims safe.

The AMA was one of the reason’s universal healthcare was never adopted as well. Doctor’s opposed it in the 1940s.

In addition, pre-ACA health plans almost always had lifetime maximums. You get cancer and a year of treatment hits your lifetime maximum? lol sorry, we’ve covered you enough, gtfo, and good luck getting insured elsewhere as you’ve got an obvious pre-existing condition.

We sell billions of dollars in arms which kill the poor and further enrich the rich. El Salvador is a “shithole” in part because we sold arms to a corrupt authoritarian regime that favored American corporate interests, kicking off a massive civil war. Haiti is a “shithole” in part because we occupied their country for

You make great points. But I’d argue that the military shouldn’t be a jobs program, or some kind of trickle-down research agency. If aerospace and naval and health technology are valuable things, we should be investing in them directly. If the value of the military IS as a jobs program, then maybe there are more

Oh yeah, my last sentence was pretty flippant, I just wanted to illustrate how fast this shit can happen and it’s not people being lazy or moochers.

There is no reasonable argument. It’s a completely irrational decision.