
Not only did she explicitly say she didn’t want it in her deposition testimony, not only was she drugged, but having sex with a 13 year old is also a crime in France, where Polanski fled, and in Poland, where he was born, (and it was for both of them in the 70s too.)

He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape...he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around.

Give yourself more credit. You gave your kids a stable home with adults to look after them. A great good gift.

I explain that I was really just looking for someone to watch cartoons with, and then go on a monologue about how much fun kinetic sand is. Haha.

Commented above but jesus christ. I‘ve heard it before but still boggles my mind that people say this shit. My best friend growing up was adopted and her parents fucked her up (dad wanted kids, mom didnt. Adoption was supposed to be their compromise I guess? they were incredibly terrible) since they made the choice

Your second paragraph has been said to me A LOT when I mention not wanting to be pregnant. The irony of course is that I am adopted myself.

I am one of those people who wants to have my own because I want to be pregnant but I also want to adopt. Can’t imagine not considering an adopted child “yours”. (too many negatives? translation: people are dumb if they dont - or if they think you dont - consider adopted kids to be your real kids) Like, wtf?

I just say that bit about how we genuinely feel like the lucky ones, but I’m sure it comes off as faux humility. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Got a pair myself, and I can’t figure out how to respond to the, “it’s such a great thing you’re doing/you’re such good people” comments. I always just end up being awkward.

Haha yes! When people say how amazing we must be to have adopted, I do my best to point out that there were plenty of other families who would have loved to adopt her, we were just lucky enough to be the ones who get to raise her.

Please, Jimmy is one of the most vapid and turncoaty people on TV. He’ll go from having his mouth on Trump’s rectum to disowning him while shit still covers his mouth within a heartbeat.

Both Snackwells and raisins taste like failed dreams and sadness.

SnackWells! I haven’t thought of those in AGES.When I was little, my sister and I took swimming lessons with my best friend and her little sister. Our moms traded off snack duty and we ALWAYS had SnackWells when it was my mom’s turn. Those devil’s food cookies had such a weird texture. 

I was literally polishing off a small bag of Cool Ranch doritos as I read this and had reached the “tipping the bag into mouth for crumbs” section right at that goddamn paragraph.

A woman in my office loves this show and I swear to God this morning she told me she was throwing out her old Crockpot because of the danger. I told her I heard that wasn’t really something likely to happen and she was relieved.

So, does this mean all those people who voted for Trump in all those states who lost coal mining, steel, and auto jobs are going to move to California to replace these people who work in our farms and wineries. And all the other jobs that pay so little that only someone who so desperately wants to live in this country

I’m more upset by morons like Jimmy Dore saying that losing the election was good because it would energize the left. They completely ignored all the pain and suffering it has caused to the most vulnerable people in the country.

Central California is red. IIRC Nunes’ dustruct is in Kern County, or at least very near there. You can hardly go 100 yards without an anti Pelosi, anti Democrat billboard on someone’s private land. I’ll cross my fingers but I won’t hold my breath.

Central California comes through and votes out this fucking chucklehead

It’s really weird to see the Republicans taking on the FBI like this. I don’t think is going to be good for the party in the long run....