
He took the cowardly way out.

Wasn’t there a story that she and her brothers had a lemonade stand as kids and made the employees buy lemonade? She’s like that, but an adult now.

We adopted my daughter (at birth) with about six weeks’ notice. I had never been pregnant and really didn’t have time to prepare for her arrival. When she was just a few weeks old, my parents and I went to the store with her in the car. All three of us got out of the car and walked away before we were like, “Oh,

I’m actually a historian. We are squarely in Nazi territory. The Nazi death camps did not start out as death camps, but rather as concentration camps. Children and adults are dying in these detainment camps. ICE is detaining nonwhite American citizens.

For now, our institutions are holding, but barely. The executive

I really love Elizabeth Warren. That’s all.

In case it wasn’t clear that we are squarely in Nazi territory. I only hope we have our own Nuremberg Trials at the end of this nightmare and hold some of the people accountable.

I can’t find it now but either WaPo or NYT had a graphic on the number of minutes that each candidate had, and I don’t think Warren was in the top 5.

She’s the epitome of nouveau riche. My eyes can’t unsee that blouse.

In addition, Gore would have addressed climate change, so that the planet would have more than 12 years to live.

She’s 36!!! JHC, I’m 53 and look a thousand times younger. (And I have shit skin from years of competitive swimming.)

Clearly, you touched a nerve, Ashley. Also, has no one heard the term tongue-in-cheek?

Dear Joe Biden,

I live in California. Bernie was still tearing down Hillary and ranting against the DNC during the California primary, when the nomination had already been determined. I initially appreciated his effort to change the debate by running, but his failure to get in line with Hillary only helped Trump.

I admittedly hate Bernie, but I really hate when he claims to have started this “revolution.” Dude, you tapped into something that was already there. You have few policy specifics and have passed almost no legislation during all your years in the Senate.  (Full disclosure: I love Elizabeth Warren.)

Maybe instead of debating, candidates should make a playlist and we can elect based on superior musical taste. I wonder what would be on 45's playlist? I can’t imagine the Cheeto-in-Chief listens to music.

After the 2016 election, one of my colleagues said, “I’ve lived through blah, blah, blah...we will all be fine.” I was like, you are a straight, white, cis-gender man who owns his own home, earns a good salary, and will retire with a pension. You don’t know shit about how Trump’s presidency will harm people.

That much plastic surgery skeeves me out. Can you feel your chin if you’ve had an implant?

This. WTF are they doing over there?

The difference between first and second kids is huge. With my second, we didn’t have a baby monitor. I was like, if he’s really crying, we will hear him. With the first, I couldn’t believe they let us go home from the hospital with her. I thought, we don’t know what the fuck we are doing here.

We have had good luck with Care.com, but then again we live in a small-ish community (150,000) with a major R1 university and a couple small colleges. So we have been able to hire babysitters who have received ABA training through the university’s autism research program. That being said, I’d be more skeptical if we