
It's just you....by the way, he takes money too


Good job Rubio. I emailed him this morning asking him to withdraw support. Also emailed my other senator and congressman but Marco was the only one who responded. He is a really nice guy though. My parents had a fund raiser for him when he was running for senate and he was just a really great person in general to hang

I think a reason is the Android 16x9 or 16x10 display aspect ratio. Even a 4"+ display with that ratio has roughly the same width as the iphone. Unless Apple changes to a 16x9 ratio, increasing the screen size to 4+ inches would result in a super wide phone that would be very uncomfortable. Androids further switch

That is just on the new Airbus planes. Boeing still has a traditional controls. The airbus planes are fly by wire so you don't get to feel the same pull and feedback as you did on a traditional plane. Some love it, some hate it. I have not flown an Airbus but i'd imagine I would miss being able to feel the aircraft


It isn't so much of a copy. We typically develop 'classes' in items we use and Apple was one of the first one to popularize the 'premium laptop class' and 'thin and light. Other manufactures entered these classes before Apple but rather than make them perfect, they gave up and put their money into what form factors

Most of them "want to" work more than 60 hours because they get paid wages so low that they would not survive otherwise.

Can't you just hit the hide personal results icon??? Stop complaining. As long as it's optional it can only make things better

Me too, one of the first political posts of Giz I enjoyed reading, connected to tech, and was accurate....and funny

Plus i'd say of the 1600 killed using stairs, many are elderly, babies, disabled, or have a condition making them more accident prone or more likely to be seriously injured in a minor accident. I'm sure elevator deaths are a bit more random. As a healthy individual in my upper 20's, i'd say my chances of dying in an

I was thinking of this the whole time I watched the video. That is way too dangerous because there is nothing stopping this from occurring

At least if you could turn off the skin. ADW, go launcher, and launcher pro all offer unbelievable flexibility with just a simple app install. The manufactures should go this route instead of integrating into the OS. Some of the items they offer do provide some functionality which Google didn't provide, though now

Google wallet is already running on the Nexus. The devs figured it out perfectly without a hitch in less than a week with software only. Verizon is full of crap

They can't block the APK from being installed but they do not have to include it on the phone for now. However, apple is under fire for doing the same thing so we need to see how that plays out. Right now apple does this all the time and it is legal, although it is currently going to court. Google can also bypass

He does seem to be good with consumer protections...but really, that's about it. As someone who would have voted against him if I lived in Minnesota, I'm happy to see him doing the right thing on this one.

Well it's obviously not built into the Android OS so it really is not an Android issue. Google doesn't control what get's done to the OS once it leaves the building. The only phones it controls are the Nexus serious and carrier IQ is completely absent on those...unlike Apple phones. Therefor, it's not an android

Hopefully it will open the google apps in the same tab. I'm tired of changing from gmail to calendar to google + and having it open a new tab every time

Or if we had killed him on his 2nd birthday...oh wait...sounds illegal though it still would have saved 6,000,000 lives

This sucks for 2 reasons, one is that I want the phone badly. The other is that I have been due for an upgrade for months and will be stuck with the phone for almost 2 years. I want to start the timer on my 2 year contract NOW so I won't be waiting to upgrade till Jan 2014.