
Is it Free???

Most of us in 5 years will be wishing we could forget and erase the stuff we are posting today...Good luck to the 18 and under crowd finding jobs when you graduate.

Most of us in 5 years will be wishing we could forget and erase the stuff we are posting today...Good luck to the 18 and under crowd finding jobs when you graduate.

Its Qwikster... (dumb people must work at Netflix)...so just in case you thought you remembered what it was called, you will try 3 times to type it in before giving up entirely.

This is typical for warehouses. They are almost never air conditioned. It does get a bit hot (I design machines for assembly lines) in there but my company provides free bottles of water unlimited and have fans everywhere. Until it is illegal to work outside, I think factory conditions are fine. Its not ideal but it

Except that today's movies are only available on DVD. Streaming slogan should be "Delivering yesterdays movies, Today" DVD should be 'Delivering today's movies, tomorrow". I still think I prefer today's movies tomorrow with stunning quality than yesterday's movies today, with stunning 1990's picture quality and data

Streaming is the distant future maybe. With carriers pushing back with heavy data fees and usage caps while advertising 20mbps and delivering 4mbps, most users are watching movies at way less than dvd quality. Plus, mobile LTE availability is limited at best for high quality playback. Also with moves to 3d and coming

It's a whitehouse homemade beer. They call it White House Honey Ale. [www.cbsnews.com]

If Apple wants a bigger phone, they really need to change their aspect ratio. Its the width that makes big phones difficult to handle. Put a 4.3" display into an iphone aspect ratio and thats one wide body. Even worse because those drafted edges make for a difficult to hold device (though they probably make it look

ATT can suck it...with all these options no one will ever be forced into ATT again. This will hopefully teach ATT and Verizon to some extent that they can't keep reducing services and increasing prices without loosing customers. Forever, we were forced to go with ATT just to have an iphone. I can't wait

Seriously...you can stop this...don't use ATT. Go to sprint...the only carrier that hasn't stuck you in the ass...yet

Its still down for me. And yes, we normally get updates when cell towers go out or gmail is down...things like that. Plus, apple for some reason takes the whole store down for product updates so anytime you see it down...you begin to wonder if something new is in store

This can only be good for Chromebooks

I wish I could do this but every website has different limitations, some not allowing more than a certain amount of characters, some not allowing symbols, and other restrictions like that. This makes it difficult to develop a password template to use for every website

Who said bigger isn't better

I noticed that too. Must not have looked at the picture before writing the article. 12 steps and 7 diagrams? Seriously, I can't believe that this was even published

They have the Nook. They adapted to the new technology and thus are still sustainable... for now

Stupid freaking carriers. Good luck signing a 2 year contract for a tiered data plan. Even if you only use 1gb of data today, I guarantee you that with all the new streaming and storage services online, you will be using 5-10gb MINIMUM in 6-12 months. DONT SIGN unless you are willing to pay the price for the plan that

That will leave a mark

@DrNemmo: Because it has an 8mp camera and a faster processor? Most new phones have been running dual cores and 8mp cameras...and the iphone 5 is months away