Genuinely intrigued by this, can you point me to an example?
Genuinely intrigued by this, can you point me to an example?
I feel as if the idiom was originally used a bit more like “like I could care less”. Still keeps the “i could care less” intact and makes sense grammatically/syntactically(?).
I guess Spidey would be a PS4 exclusive. Also, writing this here so I can point to it if in case it happens, i’m thinking Jack Black as a secret character (now probably DLC). They would probably be able to get some CoD or Blizzard characters in too.
I’ll never understand the gimmick argument. I had a discussion with a friend yesterday that said it’s an advanced version of the wiimote... because he tried Hellblade and NMS (those are not developed for VR games) and the controls and camera weren’t good. And some demos that he didn’t like because were too short.
From all things I’ve read, I still don’t get what’s exclusive to OW2. Is it just the SP mode?
Exactly. I’m not very familiar with the tech so I’m not sure how both are related, but just earlier today there was an article they were making the tech open source. Coincidence?
Even though you don’t mention if you are on a desktop or laptop (where the options might be a bit more limited), I’m going to assume you don’t have an SSD. If that’s the case, get one. You’ll have to reinstall the OS though or at least do a disk copy to the new one. 128,256, even 512Gb are pretty cheap these days. If…
Hi, English not first language here so it’s an honest question. Isn’t there a missing ‘s’ on the article’s title? Or is it because the plural for Joy-Con is Joy-Con? Trying to wrap my head around it but sounds weirder everytime I read it.
Care to share a link to such conversation or other proof of your accusations? I’m not one to defend him but if you see through his character and schtick you’ll see his arguments are in general level-headed and consumer friendly.
I’ve always wondered what people refer to when they say 4K textures (game pr people included). haven’t got into the game’s files but at the risk of sounding pedantic there are 2 posible meanings.
Actually I feel the opposite. Buying physical left me with small collection of very well made statues (miles better than funko pops). Also, once the online services shut down, my PC codes and yours won’t work anymore. With the toys, my nephews will be able to keep playing on console if they want to.
Is anyone else seeing the borders of the overlayed image in this picture? I yes or no, which OS are you using?
Hi, totally honest proposition here. You want to prototype something over the course of two weeks? I'm a 3d artist who worked on a small game studio for almost 2 years but know my ways around Unity and coding. I'm actually idling most of this last weeks as I'm in the US working for a few months and with the winter and…
That's baffling, I believe it's imported directly by MS and here in Uruguay it's not official and costs US$1100 while the ps4 can be found for US$800. Games, around 120 but we can import tax less if you are willing to wait a week or 2
That's weird, i've been playing it on a 650tiboost and haven't had problems. Are you in Win8.1? I get arctifacts and driver crashing every now and then on windows 8.1 even on KerbalSP or Fifa. Doesn't matter if i've been 2hours or 2 minutes in, so no temp related.
5. reflect light well inside a volcano for a memorable cinematic effect