It’s just a trailer, people. He didn’t make a pyramid of skulls.
It’s just a trailer, people. He didn’t make a pyramid of skulls.
Once upon another lifetime, I realized that not only had I effectively trained two different people in the same year to be not only my supervisor but my section’s, but I had been basically doing a third of their job for some time up until then.
Beyond Earth? Beyond caring.
I AdBlock everything within millimeters of its mortal existence and I’m OK with this. Content creators deserve to be able to be compensated for their efforts; that’s not my issue. My issue is that adservers should more accurately be called malware distributors. Don’t ask me how many computers (not mine) I’ve had to…
Just Saiyan’, is all.
The word you’re looking for is “anti-hero”. It’s why the character works.
Don’t bother. It won’t work as long as it’s installed.
I’m compelled to direct folks to Penny Arcade’s Greater Internet F***wad Theory.
You would actually be surprised how often the two are interlinked. He doesn’t even have to be fat or ill-formed otherwise—the exercise can change the hormonal flow and improve mood and confidence all by itself. He should probably not overlook it as a component of the solution, though not the entire. (And I should…
I would give this more than one star, but I only have the one Dragon Ball...
I was told there would be no math here.
Dear Penthouse,
On top of all that there's also resource management—"We're running low on food and ammo", "We're cash-flush—work on gear, or finally start that stronghold?" "Oh crap, that was my last slot for heavy heals!"—which it seems like people are continually mystified by in this day and age. (No matter if I play the noble…
DHS is not known for its wonderful sense of humor. Lizard Squad just made reservations for Club Fed.