David Stigant

Ok, I think the gist of that definition is that “Cryogenics” refers to freezing things to very low temperatures. It has many applications which involve freezing things other than humans/animals for the purpose of resurrecting them later. “Cryonics” is a specific use of Cryogenics to freeze humans or animals.  The

>> That would also suggest that Ben was on both teams and both died and did not die.

>>That’s a wild suggestion to someone who has showed zero interest in any sort of open relationship 

Surely the friend is also friends with Dad on Social Media... Maybe just have a breezy discussion with friend that starts with “Sooooo... your dad has interesting instagram tastes...”

It also reminded me of Picard’s experience with the probe from the dead civilization where he lives a whole lifetime in an hour.

Geordi on TNG had a bit of a creepy holo-deck habit too. There was that episode where he needs to figure out what to do with the ship and summons up a holo-deck version of the ship-designer who happens to be rather attractive woman and then several seasons later he meets her for real and she discovers his program.

Anybody else exclaim “Ja’loja!” when they peed last night before bed? Just me? OK then.

I’d like to see a more regular board game column here at the AV Club. They’re beginning to permeate popular culture more and more in the last few years. But given that you’re apparently just discovering cooperative games, you have some catching up to do.

I think Sam is going to end up as king. Danarys is going to marry Jon and she (or they) will name Sam their heir. This is going to make sense because: