didn't start the fire but locked the exit

You need to learn more about Quakers - they were active abolitionists before it was trendy (ie while slavery was still legal in the northern states) and they’re one of the least persecuting/proselytizing sects of Christians out there.

As a Yankee now living in Canada, allow me to explain my culture to you. Golden Griddle is a brand of syrup (mostly HFCS). As a self-respecting North-Easterner, I ate only tree syrup. New York and Vermont are big syrup producing states and have the trees to rival QC. Krusteaz is a bad sounding name but it started as a

Better yet, use real maple syrup.  Real maple syrup was a product championed by quakers and abolitionists as a slavery-free form of sweetener (sugar plantations used slaves).  And it’s fucking amazing to boot.  Don’t want to start a syrup flame war here, but buy local if you can.  Otherwise you’re buying something

Bonus cult fact, the newspaper “Epoch Times” is run by the Falun Gong as well.

The giant bag of pancake mix from Costco is Krusteaz brand (at least in Alberta it is).

They should change it to Uncle Wilford.

It’s a step in the right direction, you troglodyte.

Next up is Uncle Ben according to reports. Let’s just hope that they replace these brands with more modern interpretations of African Americans. Also, before people start forgetting, Famous Amos is a real man — Wally Amos. He sold his cookie brand in the 70's, but still operates a business through the “Cookie Kahuna.”

I loved Aunt Jemima growing up.  But even then, i never looked into it but got a feeling something real racist about this shit.

School portrait:

The more I know, the more I realize how much I don’t know. I never once gave this caricature a second thought. in fact I didn’t think she was real at all. I just thought she was the brainchild of some advertising executive in like the 60's or something.

Looking back I’m almost kinda glad I was never really a big

You’re Canadian....and you think Aunt Jemima means pancake syrup?  You’re an abomination to maple trees everywhere.

Well, you could pay attention, but that doesn’t seem to be working for you.

Aunt was an “honorific” reserved for older houseslaves in the slavery era or black servants in the pre-Civil Rights Era.

I wasn’t. But I support the retirement of the brand.

Cool. India’s own Falun Gong.

NEVER trust a self proclaimed spiritualist of any kind.

Unless you’re counting animation or action movies with some laugh lines, Trainwreck is one of the highest-grossing comedies of the past 5 years. 

Apatow complaining about people having more patience for Netflix shows than his feature films is pretty staggeringly stupid. Yeah, I have more patience for a story broken up into manageable 20-minute increments that I can watch from the comfort of my own home, as opposed to a loose, thin 2-hour dramady which is