Don't you mean.. "Obvious News: China to rip off Kinect"
Don't you mean.. "Obvious News: China to rip off Kinect"
@ItsMeMasih: yea sorry.. i was reusing their own words to correct the real misprint about low-e
You are describing Low-E + Argon Gas. Low-E is just the coating on the glass. Argon Gas is the vacuum gas in between the window panes.
@Zinger314: "Hymens & tightness will be thoroughly tested by our staff. We will pick you up in a tinted windowed van to 'verify' your celibacy."
Based on the same birthing idea... a Slingshot that loads the mom in with her feet aiming in the direction of travel. She will be strapped in like the ejector seat ride. Pull back and fling. When the max tension is reached the baby flies out while the mother snaps back.
How about a sling shot that shoots the baby up into the air when the max tension is reached
Something "Dr Nick" from Simpsons would use. "Hi Evlybody!".. "Hi Dr. Nick"
But who cares. This isn't 2001
@Brain.wav: about:config does nothing for me in froyo on my rooted (FreshEVO ROM) EVO. Blank page
Like D9? You mean a good story with terrible camera work? I don't mean the shaky hand-cam stuff. that's fine. I mean the switching from hand-cam to studio cam .... completely removing the story concept of the hand-cam.
@xaronax: These have been reviewed on Amazon stating there is no real evidence that it lasts any longer than HTC OEM 1500mah battery
aww. they broke from the 'oid pattern of its fellow emulator brethren
photocell and a small stepper motor. You can get these at for like $50. When the sun comes up, it opens the blinds. When the sun goes down, it closes the blinds
@benjgvps: They should come with hand-straps on the back.. like camcorders have. Full control, no bezel, no fingers
@Ridley: Wouldn't be any different than the rest of the USA companies that outsource their tech support to india. Maybe India will outsource their tech support to USA :)
I actually just started this yesterday too... I beat you :)
@usedtowork: WinMo never had an bloatware. Oddly WinMo was so open due to the registry editor that there was no way for a company to add any bloatware that couldn't be deleted. But it seems Android is the new Feature phone
For 1000 feet 2M is not even close to worth it. That's worth 750,000 at best
@guineapirate: Yea the "Pad" thing was laughed up when the iPad came out with all the maxi pad parodies. You'd think others would have learned. But I will say that "PalmPad" has a certain ring to it with the "PP". And it fits their past pp naming convention with "Palm Pilot" so i can't fault them too much for sticking…