bubble wrap purses are great too... fail
bubble wrap purses are great too... fail
@kylecpcs: I really do want to know this actually
@Gary_7vn: Yea, if it were illegal to talk about it then there would be no rappers left. Same goes with talking about killing people.. it means nothing. You can walk into a police station and yell "I smoked 10 joints today" and run out and nobody is going to chase you down.
This makes Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End make so much more sense to me now when they flipped the boat over.
@DssTrainer: Tho I will continue.. It is the absolute max a phone should ever be. Even with my long fingers, it is not a one-handed phone. Still, its not terribly unusable. I'm happy with it, but if my previous statement applies
@barry12: i'll be honest, while on the waiting list for my Evo I was constantly thinking I should just get a Hero.. it was more to my size liking. But I hear the processor is so slow. I really would like a Hero-sized phone with the Evo processor and no 4G. I will admit 4G is really fast in the speed tests, but I am…
@DarthMonkey: I thought the term was coined with Windows Mobile Smartphone edition phones.. which were in fact the barebones level of winmo phones (no touchscreens, etc). The fact that is has a file manager I guess made it smart.
@pseudorocket: The whole "smart phone" genre has been blurred as bad as the "Alternative Music" genre. Who knows what counts anymore. I guess any "non-java" phone
I think microsoft points are dropping faster than that.
Also depends what game... MW2 at 80ms is shit.. even 65ms is questionable. While UT is more forgiving at higher pings... something with the hit recording algorithms I guess.
@dcdttu: Same here. Clicked the link and it takes me to the market and lets me click install... but thats it
looks like a penis
If you could fly them unmanned and solely by solar and/or windpower then that would be sweet
@jedimaster: Yes
Wow this article really has no idea what a budget upgrade is. A "budget" means you don't need the latest in technology, just enough to reach the minimum or mid-range requirements.
This would be sweet technology for 1992
I think we can say "Please make everything solar power" now. Baseball hats, neckties, scarfs, backpacks, the tops of your shoes.. anything that gets sunlight. We also need static charge brushes on our inner thighs and faraday coils attached to our belts so that it charges with each step.
@Almightywhacko: The biggest question is can Sprint even get the damn EVO in stock so that i have something to upgrade!? Been on the waiting list for 2 weeks
"Hoodie With Earbuds Instead of Strings Is Greatest 'MP3 PLAYER' Accessory of All."