
Going to AskMen.com as a legitimate source of information in regards to men makes as much sense as going to Jezebel.com for feminist thought.

I don’t think any scams are going to impact anyone’s bottom line. This really is a pretty great change for consumers.

Yep. I attended one of the most legendarily liberal colleges on the west coast and even I, as a pretty left-of-center kind of guy, found the attitude of intellectual absolutism among many of the student activist types grating. This was the dark days of Bush’s first term and the Iraq invasion, when being liberal

Yes, I would like to know how this essay qualifies as ‘harmful’

What? Jezebel is not longer in automatic “burn the witch” mode vis-a-vis any person accused of a Title IX violation?

There’s something Salem Witch hunt-ish about this. I find it disturbing. Deeply disturbing.

Yeah, I don’t think that’s it. It’s a pretty straightforward equation: youth + newly independent + recent convert to a new ideological position = fucking fanatical. It could happen during any generation (and has, with the ideologies of the time using the tools available to the students at the time).

Feminism has found its Tea Party

Actually the term survivor kind of annoys me too. It’s so... precious. Like something your touchie-feely hippie teacher would come up with. I feel the same way about safe spaces and trigger warnings. Just no. Maybe it’s a generational thing. I feel like anyone under the age of 30 is just a special snowflake that has

No. Can’t tolerate different viewpoints and it’s not just the consent stuff, they also want trigger warnings and to police professors and what they can and can’t teach, lest these delicate flowers be exposed to any form of thinking that doesn’t mesh 100% with their ideology. They’re like the feminist taliban.

What part of this current iteration of feminism do you most identify with? The policing? The intolerance to differing views? The clinging to victimhood? I see none of myself in it.

Could not really disagree more strongly. Sansa has made a choice to try to reclaim Winterfell and Ramsey is what she must pay for that choice. In parallel Arya is making choices *not* to reclaim her heritage and she is paying her own set of prices for that. I did not see Theon as being particularly important in that

You could ask this about 90% of any scene from any movie or television show ever created. It’s a silly question to ask.

Actually, the standard of proof in the Columbia investigations is “preponderance of the evidence,” a much less burdensome standard than the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard used in criminal cases. Under a preponderance of the evidence standard, basically if 50.0001% of the evidence favors you, you win. So if

Your definition of justice differs from that of most people. Most people will probably view you as a bad person.

I am a male, and I lived in a sorority house for a year. I am aware of the ‘talk’ that occurs, but I never had any long terms conversations like she had. To me, her remarks are a red flag, but the complaint is really trying to describe her as an obsessive person. I don’t know the truth of it. I really wish they

You should just let people shit all over your reputation and lie about you because of some bigger principle? What is the bigger principle here exactly?

Non-white people possess exclusionary ideas like white people, xenophobia like white people, pettiness like white people, bigotry like white people. The fact that a non-white person expressed an opinion does not mean you have to automatically defer to them. You are allowed to have your own concept of right and

It's not difficult when you impose your view—that wearing something is "fetishizing" it, that people are being asked to be "allowed to wear whatever they want"—which is clearly totally negative, onto what is not, in many circumstances, a negative act. Cultures have always been fluid, have always interacted with one

Get. Over. It. Wearing clothing and accessories inspired by a culture does not automatically debase that culture. It's a fundamentally neutral act.