
I register libertarian because I find Republicans to be morally and socially reprehensible and Democrats to be fiscally deluded, but the Republicans have now taken that trophy too. Party identity is actually quite a joke. If you flock to a political party for identity, it’s a bigger sign of how empty you happen to be

Didn’t Americans co-opt the original meaning of being liberal necessitating a new label for free-market and personal liberty believers? 

Yes. But theres a faction of gays who overlook that because low taxes.

That’s really not the case here, and I hope you don’t honestly think it is. Mercy is overly strong at all levels of play right now, from brand new players to the professional scene. The core of that strength stemmed from her res. This isn’t some social masculinity grab, it’s an attempt to balance a game that is

That feel when you can’t tell whether statements are parody any more.

“I love supports that add potential offensive strategy”. Then that wouldnt be Mercy. While every character can be offensive in a way (Battle Mercys) She is the least of the support units to do so. Literally every other healer is better at being Offense/Defense support. Mercy was just Defense with a tiny bit of offense.

I’m actually worried it might not be enough. Sure Valk should definitely be a lot more manageable now. But her neutral game is still very strong because of resurrect.


My parents never just gave me alcohol underage but my dad talked to me constantly about HOW to drink when I got older.

Isn’t there scientific evidence* that it reprograms the receptors in their brain, as a teenager’s brain is undergoing major reconstruction up until the age of 22, so it makes them more likely to crave more alcohol? That’s why I wouldn’t give it to them.

What the hell is wrong with this website. So many awsome matches and stories going on in the OWL and all you can do is post negative crap like this one article after the other?

If I remember correctly, there are multiple black players. Snow on Boston Uprising comes to mind first since I’m a Boston fan. Ethnic diversity is actually pretty large in OWL... gender diversity, not so much.


Cattle prod. The answer is always a cattle prod.

And how does one do it for the wife?

You use retarded as an insult while pretending video game players are athletes. That’s pretty much all that needs to be said

The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where

Or: set your friends’ autocorrect to replace “guys” with “untermenchen.”

Probably won’t be found under “Offspring”.

I learned very early on as a parent that I needed to give my children specific directions and then, to make sure they’d gotten it, I had them repeat those directions back to me. Repeating it back not only made sure that they got what I said, but it reinforced my direction in my kids’ minds.