
Where they haven’t got new ideas? Are you kidding me?! I guess there just isn’t pleasing you. Why even play? It’s either “Man this game is just like the other ones, how lame” or “wow this is all changed, guess they’re out of ideas”. Just go play something else.

these kinds of comments are getting boring as well.

I'm excited about the potential change to the gym system. I was starting to get bored of that same pattern being the backbone of the game each time.

It’s a shame the actual point of his design is lost because of Trump being a big name in the news right now. What with that hat on his head and all.

Yes, i like the new forms

I feel like the it’s the opposite IMO, rather than just releasing a set amount of new pokemon each Gen this feels like they are making an effort in trying to keep the original pokemon fresh and exciting

The tail is a head too....right?

I will now play this.

Clue #2: Their lips are moving.

Alternate title of article:

Clue #1: they are a politician.

I’ve never quite got the attachment to steam achievements like I have with PS trophies. PC games are what I play just for the fun of it. Playstation games are the ones I’ll beat into submission to get me that 100%

“Survive the satanic hordes for at least 500 seconds.”


I paid 18 bucks for taco bell last week


It’ll change once Yooka Laylie is released :D.

Looks like the people in charge are on the “Let’s make them look Cool™” train instead on thinking logically.
I mean assassins gonna stand out in a crowd, right?

Looks like ass, in this image. His skin is on his face and the ragdoll effect hasn’t backfired causing his teammate to fly into the stratosphere. Way to not stick to the source material, Hollywood.

MusicBee is such a great lightweight player. Even on my sluggish computer it works like a charm and I really like the customization features. But with Spotify around, my illicit music downloading has decreased considerably so I haven't really felt a need to use MusicBee as much.