
If you’re choosing between a CRV and CX-5, then obviously performance in any aspect isn’t a concern for you. A toyota camry might as well be a sports car to you compared to the other two options. I think performance matters even if it is not something you’re interested in simply because how many idiots on the road driv

I have a 2013 Fiat 500 Abarth. In the time I’ve owned it (bought it used at 12k miles), in no specific order, 1 out 4 times the car doesn’t start even though its cranking and the battery is good, shifter cables replaced, both headlight bulb sockets melted with stock bulbs on separate occassions (had to cut and splice

area is pretty safe its gentrified, the problem will be the parking is difficult in that area.

Now playing

You millenials need a history lesson. No one can match the heel toe skills of Keiichi Tsuchiya aka “The Drift King”.

You need to do more research about these cars before writing an article like this. The xA and first gen xB had the same engine and chassis, the xB had a slighter more aggressive factory tune and handled better for whatever reason. The 1.5l engine was weak but delivered torque well at 3k+, it was happy to rev and the