
"a decade that's not even half over"? might want to check your watch, chief.

have to ask, did you see winter soldier? considering this is marvel we're talking about, I don't know how much more we should ask them to step outside their comfort zone than by, say, releasing a 70's-style political thriller that makes a decisive statement on the dangers of the modern surveillance state.

oh don't get me wrong… like I said, it was very slick and fun to look at. but for me, that didn't make up for the infuriating plot. I'm just glad some other people aren't buying the hype. felt like I was taking crazy pills here.

I loved GotG to death. haven't had that much fun in a movie theater in a long, long time. that said, it probably doesn't fall in my top five of the year, and I haven't seen anywhere near the number of movies these guys have. so I'm not real bummed that it didn't make their top 20. speaks more to how much is actually

or there's not much correlation between box office success and quality (ya know, transformers took home the most cash this year). so if 1000 movies come out and you see 5 of them, yeah, chances are you'll be looking at this list and scratching your head. the way we are when you say guardians > star wars.

couldn't agree more.

yeah I'm in that small minority who not just disliked but hated snowpiercer. thought it was unbelievably stupid, and any overarching metaphor fell apart or became absurdly convoluted if you took it seriously through the film's conclusion. but damn, it looked cool!