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    Scott's frustration with Maria Thayer, which I assume is not a bit, in today's CBB is the most fun the show is.

    Spoiler: Classic Jarles.

    Is Jackie as annoying and scatter brained on her show as she is on Comedy Film Nerds?

    Affleck should be more concerned over what he's done to his face.

    Seems fitting her mother is a Friends cast member given all the Chandler Bing references through out the season.

    Cameron is a lesbian! Who knew?!?!

    I was at a screening of the finale followed by q&a. Brown was asked the same question and it wasn't quite as clear that his opinion had changed playing the role, but perhaps he meant the same. With Cuba he was also asked and would not say that he thought OJ was guilty. Kind of danced around the question a bit.

    "So, uh, anyone think O.J. Simpson is innocent? Besides Martin Sheen, of course."

    Oh I only skipped to the Kevin Smith part and listened a little further when he talked about BvS a bit (so didn't hear the earlier call you mentioned re: Civil War.)

    So I listened to it. Wish he would have gone on for more than a couple minutes. He's right on about Smith not shutting the fuck up. He does that in all interview podcasts. Just sucks the dick of the person for 20 minutes before they can finally talk.

    I was going to try fast forwarding through it twice and then 10 minutes in.

    90 minutes in? There's a 40 something minute on and a 3 hour one. I assume the 3 hour one?

    I'd love a good takedown of that fuckhead. What episode is it?

    Seems odd that both Serial and Serial Serial have abandoned discussing that whole thing with Adnan that was going on last month.

    Every episode without Zooey/Jess deserves an A. I wish they'd just permanently replace her with Megan Fox.

    I've been binging on Doughboys as of late as well. Though I started with restaurants I thought I'd want to hear them discuss OR guests I thought I'd want to hear, I enjoy these bastards so much that I keep downloading more and more of them. Spoon Nation 4ever!

    My favorite part of the WTF with Friedkin was Marc asking him about his early career but repeatedly trying to turn him toward the French Connection like a fucking dipshit.

    Weird you guys featured Ferguson's new show on History, but not Dan Harmon's, Night Class, which premiere after.

    Hassan on Hell's Kitchen remind anyone else of Jason Heynongmantzoukias?

    Meh. People are too PC.