
I have a question - did anyones sexual appetite change after having children? Did it go and come back? Did completely go?

Might you counter that religion is in fact the opiate of the masses as it inherently demands a lack of self determination in order to achieve release?

SLEIVES ARE FUR LIBRULS #maketanktopsgreatagainorwhateverimtoocooltocare

Is this the guy who painted that fucking set of paintings with Obama stood like a toddler, arms folded?

Ha that is an excellent quote!!

Wow they are a beautiful pair!

Fuchs Yous!

It would be like calling a professional male 45yrd old sports reporter ‘kid’ or ‘kiddo’

I would hope that we will all be waiting for you guys when you get out of the other side and we can all move forward together :)

Truck nuts?

Great idea

As someone else has said ‘Have I Got News For You’ will definitely have a pop. Also, Frankie Boyle who is the funniest driest comedian on this side of the Atlantic - my opinion of course.

Apparently, that is ‘game’. I had no idea but there are lots of men who just cold-call every female they meet. Eventually someone says yes. Its more maths than charisma!

I’m not even American and your words still made me sad!

Interesting! I’m going to have to go and watch that now.

Agreed. Pronunciation (local) and ‘um/er/like’ words (they have a name but I can’t remember it) are very important to making machine speech feel more natural to our ears. In my opinion at least.

Thank you. You’d think that you’d be able to correct mispronunciations by saying the word a couple of times to the device wouldn’t you?

Haha we love a stretched vowel and ghost-consonant on this side of the pond. I hope Amazon’s ai sorts out the mispronounciations sooner rather than later for you.

Holy shit, so that what a filled gap looks like?