
That’s how is would say it! I’m not very bright - how would you pronounce it? Is the ‘Cie’ a ‘Che’?


Very well then

I concur. Good show!

As a Brit may I politely suggest that he is pronouncing the road names correctly and that it is you colonists that are mangling the language?

I am an idiot.

I wear my mistakes like shiny badges of achievement. This one will be the new centrepiece. My apologies.

Exhibit A:

Yes, like squeeeds and cuttlefish? I’m no scientist but I recognise amorphous gelatinous sea dwellers and they’re traits no matter how abhorrent they may appear to be.

Was this picture taken before the separation procedure. Also, which one is which. Also, due to foreshortening and lens warping it’s difficult to comprehend who is closer to the camera.

And on the reverse?

Spiky Mikey

No, it’s about mice and men

How you guys have not heard of THIS guy is beyond me. He is truly the worst.

I wish I didn’t know what W&G was and now has become.

I had no idea - we have ‘Cafe Cremes’ over in the UK

Also, fuck the Judean Peoples Front.

That certainly puts it in perspective. That’s really good.

Like a medieval gourd passing out of his butt hole?