
I am pretty confused flap-jack.

Haha WHHHHEEEEERREEE did I support Charlie being American pal?


Also what the fuck has him being white got to do with what I wrote?

Whoooooa take easy there champ. You were denigrating someone for aligning him with America when in fact it was much more nuanced than ‘was British’.

How to make waffles?

Dahl grew up in Africa/India, had mixed European heritage and identified as Welsh.

Until he finishes Battle Toads on expert he will remain a loser, just like the rest of you.

I’m sorry but that is nonsense. If he took them by surprise and their guns are locked away, the same terrible outcome is achieved.

He died in 2106?!

I voted for gingerbread woman. It’s all about the different coloured buttons and icing!

Mine was Winne The Puce

Call me Master Table Notfound 404

Hey! Kotaku isn’t that bad, they’re commenters are just misunderstood

That he’s an elf?

Haha thank you!

The seriousness of this fad has been over ex-saggitariated


And apparently all male?

Thank you - It’s very easy to draw false equivalence when you’re mostly unaffected by the shitty world at large or wilfully ignorant. It’s a shame more people don’t take the initiative to understand the threat that these types of legal arguments actually pose.