I will admit that I found it confusing, whether that makes me dumb or not. Thanks, your explanation made it clear.
I will admit that I found it confusing, whether that makes me dumb or not. Thanks, your explanation made it clear.
Does the commercial jet in this picture imply Obama is responsible for 9/11??
That’s easy for you to type!
How about 3 cops put on military grade riot gear and tackle him? They have ALL of the toys to handle someone with a baseball bat. Its more than possible to get hold of someone with a baseball bat if you a trained correctly. The cop just ran up to him, dropped his taser, ran backwards for a bit and then unloaded in his…
Hey which one is Kim?
Meh is a hell of a drug
Sweet! I can’t wait to have this on in the background while I get ready for work.
I like the look of this...
I love you too, as I love all humans. I definitely arrived at that love through hatred, jealousy, and many other emotions. None of them required belief in a god.
I think you have them the opposite way around. This misuse will be remembered.
Religion COULD be a tool for that but it has never been used for that. It is used to rule the masses and take ownership of their meagre possessions. It may have begun with good intentions but it will forever be judged by the dark places it has taken humanity in the past. It will pass in to history just like thatching…
God is an excuse for humans to commit crime and control other humans, nothing more. It may have started as wonderment and ignorance but it very quickly became grift.
Not always - therefore chaos
Sean Spicer or fat Tom Hanks
I stand with you. This is an excellent hill to die on.
You won’t be saying that when blah b’blah blah