Spat my drink out. Thank you.
Yes, she’s got away with it for far too long...
I don’t think it really matters which country we’re talking about, they are both facing fundamentally challenging issues right now. I anthropomorphised the nations in my head and the absurdity of it made me feel less sad, briefly. It doesn’t mean the current situation is any less sad.
Haha even better. Thank you!
Is the UK the dad in that analogy? Or did I misunderstand?
Amusingly I read that to mean Trump looked up his own ass and saw Pence smiling back at him
The picture on the front of the horrible tabloids made me sick this morning. Bleurgh.
Yes you’re right, and it’s incredibly unfair. Do you think you will change their minds by shaming them? That hasn’t worked so far, in fact it’s made it worse because now they’ve gone underground and they lie about how they feel. From over here (UK) I can tell you that it definitely look like both coasts look down on…
Extra funny because ‘trump’ means ‘fart’ in Britain
+1 for intentional/unintentional wig pun
Trump is barely a man and he certainly isn’t white
Ah thank you, so kind of like a pilot for navigation?
Brilliant! (Realisation, not actuality)
The first thing he will do is attach golden letters to the front of the White House
Hahaha did you make that? It’s gooooode
Can I ask as a Brit, what’s a ‘wonk’?
Mitch Mcconnell has the most punchable face I’ve ever seen SO FAR....
Yes, as I mentioned in another response I have read a little bit more. It would seem that both sides are deeply unappealing. Hobson’s choice as we say over here.