
@fishbonez: Seriously, they should not include bundled games.

Am I the only who dislikes Wii Sports as a top selling game, I mean, it isn't like it isn't a game, but it kind of comes with every Wii in existence, and there are over 65 Million of those...

@(Starman) #number258: They're Solar Wind powered exploration ships, a Christmas present from CCP to everyone subscribing.

@deanbmmv: Yeah, I love the idea and reading the news about the universe, but just can't get into the MMO game, luckily they're making Dust.

Desktop at home, netbook when I'm not.

@Noodle-Works: This, this, this. (As long as we get to keep Top Gear on BBC America)

Unless they add Morpheme and Euphoria, I have little hope for any new sports games.

@Pyrefly: I feel sorry for you, that's like $80 isn't it?

@Godsbigjoke: I've heard from a lot of people that the SP sucked, and from what I've seen it does.

@kyle4: I laughed when I heard people weren't upgrading to WaW when it came out, they were so scared because of CoD3, but Treyarch really picked up and made great MP and SP gameplay, something which MW2 is lacking.

@-MasterDex-: If they released an open beta no one would buy it!

@G_A: That is hilarious, they try to stop modding on the PC and the 360 starts doing it!

@gurfinki: You're touching upon a hard topic here, did the boy see balls or get the shaft?

@Sziphix: Awesome_face_cockatiel.jpg

I love how the video pauses at the end, the bird just has this awesome face staring right at you.

@Scazza: You could send them all to goonswarm and watch the resulting fireworks.

@Aklost: If I remember the largest heist was like ~30 bil isk and that came out to like 8k USD.