
Haha! Me and Tiller figured this out from the comic!

@Tiller: PS: demo is a looser

@OrwellJames: Totilo needs to update the post with this horrible oversight.

@Tiller: So then it's a point race, not just K/D, character with the most overall points wins.

@Tiller: They'd just be a bonus point, not the only target they go for.

@Tiller: So? It is a great descriptor of killing skill, and a great way to rip apart the Soldier's and Demoman's friendship.

My bet is that they issue a challenge to anyone playing Blu Soldier or Red Demo to kill their friend on the opposing team for:

More RTS' need to feature a Russia vs Japan war, R.U.S.E. has disappointed me in that aspect. (Currently the game is set to ship with 4 Allied powers and 2 Axis powers, which is sad to say the least)

@JosephCole: Ah, so I guess the test was a success then.

@PlayerX: This video never fails to make me laugh.

I think I knew 3 out of all of those.

@TheOmnitron: Good lord man, drop everything and rush to Steam right now, you have no idea what you've been missing.

@beautifulbeast: Now what did Spain do to receive that ability?

Not sure about anyone else, but I haven't crashed at all yet, and not even that many program crashes.

Motherf*****g Redcliffe in Dragon Age Origins had me stopped for a long time since that was my first stop, ended up having to lower the difficulty. ;_;