
There are so many people who are not official emergency responders who might legitimately need to speed. A woman about to give birth. A doctor responding to an emergency in a hospital. The point is- you’re not the fucking judge of the road and you have no way of figuring out whether the person legitimately needs to go

Left lane is for passing only. If you’re not passing someone you shouldn’t be in it. Period. End of story.

The left lane is for OVERTAKING VEHICLES which, if you need a diagram or sock puppet theater to figure out, I can oblige.

It is to every cop but Michigan's

You’re as bad a George Freaking Zimmerman.

Congrats on being exactly the person causing the problem. The fact you don’t realize this says a lot. What part of “Passing lane only” do you not understand?

This article is for you.

You’re endangering other drivers by hindering the flow of traffic.

5 over? Please go back to the right lane.

As many have said, “you sir are the problem”

You know you have a small dick when you get upset that people want to pass you. Move over. Get over it.

as a right-lane slow poke that is life. you are always going to have to pass semi trucks. there will always be people who are more of a slow poke from you. stay out of the passing lane except when passing.

I guess you think this article is about other people.