Pete Buttjudge

Nonsense, its all a misunderstanding. ScarJo was just referring to “Woody”, aka Pete Buttjudge’s cock.

Don’t rape the Chrysler building, you asshole. Someone teach this pervert about consent.

You got to give it some time. He’s still sore from fucking Varadkar’s asshole. Give him sometime to reflect on it.

Relax, bra! Just crack open an imported cold one and hash out the issues, bra!

Meanwhile, women are praying away rapist SHough. You sick fuck! Your times up!

It’s ok, buddy. You’re black, so we already knew you were a homophobe. Just like the earring it’s a sure sign.

Pete Buttjudge doesn’t mind. He’ll hump anything.

Yup, gay people are the worst.

Just goes to show that the real threat to the world are homosexuals.

No surprise. The people who are most anti-gay tend to be actually gay. Which proves that gays are homophobic. Take Pete Buttjudge, he’s very homophobic. And that’s only because he loves fucking men in the asshole.

Why? Nutbags are exactly what Democrats are looking for. She’s just a slightly different variety. I thought you loved diversity?

It is a white Christmas after all.

I got it to hand it to ‘em. It did sort of work. Never heard of them before this but I have now! But this is where they’ll have trouble, we’ll will never hear of them after this because they don’t actually have any talent.

“We wanted to show Cardi B to not be a bully and give her a taste of her own medicine,” he said, adding that Cardi responding to the track “made us feel like we’d done our job.””

I can’t believe that Cardi B is getting owned by a 10 year old. I knew she was a dumb bitch but even I thought you’d have to at least be a teenager to own her ass.

Well, when you have to swallow Pete Petejudge it causes a woman’s mouth to open wide like a python. It’s not the cock mind you, that’s average, but I’m sure you noticed that Buttjudge has massive balls.

Me too, friend. Me too.

Do you prefer to jerkoff to video?

Wow, it’s a sad day when Pete Buttjudge is not the pettiest troll on Jizzebel.

Might be the first comment on Jizzabel that Pete Buttjudge endorses completely and takes no issue with. Cheers! I got one of dudebra’s fancy imported beers.