
I'd like to add to this, remember the waffle house story on Gawker this morning where the guy charged a $1,000 tip to his card and they didn't give it to the server because it was too much but cash in that amount would be ok? This is where the briefcase of cash comes in, it makes things much more simple especially

I'm actually surprised the NBA doesn't give in, waive his 2.5M (or I'm sure the wife would pay it from her half) and let him attend games. Avoid this dragging out and getting even messier. I guess they really don't want him watching games though.

Yes, you should find 1 other person that wants to go its not hard.

Superbowls are actually one of few events that can be profitable. The last one had a bad location, prior to Indy in 2012 (which lost only $1M on city services) superbowls were generally not even very costly to cities and the hundreds of millions spent in the cities far outweighed that - as in it wasn't even debatable

She had me until she said eh.

OSHA says you're supposed to (scissor lift) fully lower it before driving so I guess that's what I was thinking of. But ya, getting off to move it? Nobody's got time for that!

If you work a union job fine, if you're trying to get a job done you just made your day a lot longer getting off and on to move it all day long.

Its true man, same with fast food. There's a reason you're not making a living doing that - its a high school kid's job!

In the US at least they don't high speed chase anymore for this exact reason. If the car continues to accelerate or starts getting reckless (blowing red lights) the senior officer involved is supposed to call off the chase and would almost certainly be disciplined if they continue.

Devils advocate here: He was being a racist in his own home, he was secretly recorded which is illegal in most states.

Another frustrating detail in this case is the fact that the three defendants were immediately allowed to bond out after turning themselves in, which means that they didn't spend a single night in jail

I'm talking about at someone's house, I wont demand a brand drink just bourbon and coke or ginger or whatever. I grew up in the north though so I prefer canadian, they're less sweet.

Dude's homeless and he's still crushing pussy and running a football league. Good for him.

And I still think its silly, if I want a bourbon and you have is jack just poor that. Don't ask if I still want it because technically they don't call themselves bourbon.

That was the original idea but now, since its not pressed, its often garbage as its even easier for every dumbass to cut it with something. If you buy some MDMA crystals that's not going to be cut but I think Googling a pressed pill and seeing what lab tests say is in it usually is a better bet than buying a little

I think that's a last ditch thing though because he doesn't yet want to admit he is mentally incapacitated, he's still fighting that and asking the sale to be blocked since that is what gave her the power to make the sale as far as I know.

Agreed, there are no good guys here. Everyone spend money on your attorneys and let us hear some more!

Well seeing as I've heard him being not OK with selling, then OK with selling then filing suit to stop the sale either he has Alzheimer's or his lawyers do.

Anti trust! Maybe they should've just left him alone, a little bad public image that blows over in a month or two sounds a lot better than getting fucked like that.

Kluwe jokes? +1 if so, if not -1 to me cause I'm retarded.