
Why should hospitals care? She’s dead and this is just her funerary arrangements. You know why Christians are buried in coffins? So they can rise up on the second coming. Allowing a child her wish to be buried in a catholic cemetery doesn’t mean you believe she’ll rise. Its her wish.

Whether or not he does is an opinion piece for right now. Massive infrastructure funding is part of his campaign pledge and he showed up to let them know. And it was them (the Rust Belt) who gave him his presidency. Maybe he’s a liar, probably he’s a liar, Hillary didn’t really do much at all in the Rust Belt.

Do you have water from your taps? Yes? Then you are in a position. You don’t want to. Its like the people who claim “I am not rich! 200,000/yr may sound like a lot but not in my city!”. Its all relative.

No one said elites. Middle class.

So they vote for someone who will help them but harm others and they are to blame. You vote for someone who has let them go without water for a year, and you aren’t to blame for their lack of water? Its a double standard. If you want them to care about your problems over theirs, why haven’t you done the same?

I didn’t say you were elite. I implied you voted for your own local interests rather than for people who weren’t like you and didn’t share your problems. That means you don’t get to complain when they do the same. How much did you donate to help Flint in the last year? Anything?

We have laws? Oh man, thankfully laws prevent Trump from trying any of that horrific Nazi shit he’s talking about, guess we have nothing to worry about.

Because policy doesn’t matter. He hasn’t been charged with any crime but I think we all know he wouldn’t walk free upon landing.

He’s in his thirties, he’s ex-military, he worked as a spy, he is an adult.

He’s an ex-military spy who had it all and gave it up to prove the government had secretly enacted what is basically martial law. You know spies are IT guys now right?

By letting them snoop on your internet history they can be certain you aren’t about to say, transition genders. They can use that to ferret out and hunt down who might try that. Its the same reason you need a vaccine for other people’s benefit.

Because the laws are just empty words.

He said before “You know the government doesn’t obey laws and giving that much power to a president is a bad idea, what if you elect the next Hitler”. Then we did elect the next Hitler and yell at him “Well look how wrong you were, we elected a Hitler so we need to give more powers to the government to stop him and

People lose the popular vote because people don’t vote in states where they are outvoted. No one in rural California is paying a sitter and driving for two hours to get a polling station to throw a pointless Trump ballot in the box. If the election had been a popular vote they would have, and that would have been a

I think the point that he is in Russia proves maybe he knows a bit more about how useless laws are. Russia has a lot of laws and policies that are directly contrary to how people act. Laws and policies are utterly pointless if not enforced. See the ICC for an example.

All of your points about the danger of Trump are proof he is right. Trump is dangerous because he has the powers given to Obama. If power had not been concentrated in the oval office Trump would just be embarrassing. Trump is dangerous because of all the political power to enact change that has been granted to the

Also, the reason the popular vote is the number it is is because so many people stay home if they aren’t in swing states. The results would be completely different if it was a popular vote going into the election. Its like saying if Gary Johnson was the republican Nominee he only would have gotten 5% because that is

The Rust Belt felt that racism was lower on their scales than “My child needs potable water to not die, and its been a year”. People on the coast decided “I say I am liberal but I don’t want to help White Trash, I’d rather let Trump win”.

Quick question: If you turn on your tap to give your child a drink of water does that child die from poison of do you have running water?

The popular vote is only as it is because its not important. Had it been a popular vote election Trump would have done better. Rural voters don’t vote in non-swing states.