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they date black guys..

or when they wrong type of plants move in... they dont like it..

how many of those college were “off-brand sports drinks”.. that is basically what she got...  


just fly first class.. i think its great the airlines will give me a $35 discount for not taking a bag...

0-100 Fahrenheit scale is pretty good! 

just assume you name address and ssn public... and go from there..

is it not obnoxious? 

so you cant offer bundle discounts? i just want a burger.. so the guy who wants burger and fries cant get a discount? i like cheese on burgers... so cheese burger should be the same price as a hamburger.. no discounts to people who want less..

wreck any cars.. welds breaks..

1 in 5 gay men have hiv.. they are from the city

is this where the half pass the monkeys ass saying comes from?

because mexican is a race..

lol.. you commit a crime.. your cousin uploaded their dna.. you are busted..

#1 sell stuff is the worst... worst sell stuff is the best... logic there..

some people naan every day... this is for them.. not your white ass

its called a girlfriend..lol

hotels i stayed in you can put anything in the slot... btw that shit would not fly in the USA

should people who dont have netflix play less for internet?

when liberal want to think how much better europe is then america.. thank the germans..