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did npr stop taking their money?

would you want to see your rating? your nigger rating?

if you gave everyone $500 the poorest man is still the poorest man.. does not solve anything

2 years sound about right.. should be out in 6 months.. plus banned from making videos..

but so you pay for my toilet paper and groceries i buy the rims with my money.. its like if someone ask you for $10 to get lunch... they came back with lunch and cigarettes.. you say i thought you needed my money for lunch.. they say they bought the cigarettes with their money and lunch with your money..  

get me some new rims with that free money!

would a long pause be better?

i thought this was going to be an article on how the 3 door truck is racist and its donald trumps fault.. how does gizmodo aka gawker 2.0..allow Jalopnik get away with just writing about cars? 

the real question is why did so many hillary supporters change their vote base on what they saw on facebook? 

one less..

what they need to do is round up the people they dont like... oh wait.. oops we did it again..

i need some in malls in canada!... we are doomed!

agreed.. they should drop the fine.. then explicitly ban it..

German engineering*

But hes brown.. system is hard.. hes probably doing life..

But hes brown... we need to stand with him.. #himtoo

how do we know it was not just a puppet?

yall just mad because you have HIV

nigger lover

those 1099 for $300k-400k at the end of the year are a pain to deal with..trust me..