scale up the 911 to full scale..
scale up the 911 to full scale..
so im confused.. on a one sided coin.. is it heads or tails?
slavery was the high point in black culture!
dont forget bystanders
this is dumb.. all the postage used to recycle these and just be donated to someone to buy new ones.. they cost pennies to make..
how you going to stand 2 feet from a car doing donuts then get mad someone got hit?
lol... niggers.. i bet they were fun around the farm
its called africa... what happened there?
black people never use soap anyways
wow.. this guy should be in the jail cell next to the car guy.. that is a weapon.. that is assault
he has a black friend too
yes these guys suck... these guys are on a thread.. they dont draw attention to them selves.. anyone of these guy get caught jwalking they will be in the same boat as Kaepernick.. if you suck at your job.. you keep your head down..
if i took you into this dead zone you would have the time of your life fishing.. im from the area... these “dead zones” are full of shit.. its not like a dead zone in a pond... there are more fish you can ever imagine in this dead zone... living it up..
and its not like they would not just ditched the test if there was a fire.
you are a nasty nasty woman..
listen to YMAC song get HIV commercials
its called insurance fraud..
Student had 1.0 GPA..THAT DOES NOT MAKE HIM A BAD KID... student has 3.5.. MAKES HIM A GOOD KID
the real question should be how did she get to surgery and the doctors didnt notice? im assuming she didnt order the surgery herself...