
And who are you to decide? There’s whole genres of porn dedicated to simulating rape, you think banning a visual novel from steam will stop the people who enjoy this shit from enjoying it? And are you rallying the troops to ban MK11? It certainly seems like ‘anything goes’ when it comes to violence in that game but


A decision made under coercion is no real decision. Why can’t you and your ilk look at the only decision that should have mattered to you; do I want to buy this game or not? Why do you feel the need to take that decision away from others?

I think it’s weird that you stated clearly that you dislike the game and would never play it, yet you are still taking heat in the comments for it. Like, what the flying fuck happened to reading comprehension all of a sudden?

So then would you dismiss the seriousness of murder because rape is also serious?  I mean, it IS really weird that so many games “justify” mass murder, and then a rape game comes along and people lose their fucking minds.  Neither rape nor murder is a great thing to emulate, but why is it that people feel the need to

Yeah I’ll never understand the “burn the witch” mentality. If I’m not interested in something, I just don’t engage with it and move on with my life.

No. It was clearly stated above - there will be no coming the fuck on anything in this situation. 

Can’t believe saying “companies are driven by money” is controversial. 

Sure, it’s a difficult line to tread but a wholesale “lol no” to the very idea seems dismissive of games as an art form. I think that there could absolutely be a powerful and artistic game from the perspective of a rape survivor, for example. Or even something akin to game of thrones which uses rape as one facet of a

What? Why not? We have games confronting the realities of autism and schizophrenia and cancer and death and all kinds of other topics. Movies that deal with the realities of sexual violence are acceptable. You pretty much can’t escape discussions of sexual abuse victims on TV or the internet anymore. Is #metoo

People don’t buy games from Steam because of their tough stance on rape.  They buy games from Steam because of the convenience.  

Not really a fan of the decision or the general idea of corporations policing my morality for me. I probably would never have heard of this game if not for the complaints and, even so, would not have bought it had I chance. I simply wouldn’t have engaged and gone on with my life. That is pretty much how it is supposed

Man, I’ve got some bad news for you about how companies work and why they draw lines at products like these (hint: it isn’t because they give a shit from a moral perspective). 

The irony of people being outraged at this and visiting Kotaku is real. Guess what? Kotaku’s ad networks, etc. do this *exact* same thing.

Always baffles me that I’m not nearly as moved by this sort of thing as my fellow gamers. I enjoy the usual kind of porn so I never felt like my personal data was all that important to me. I’ll show anyone that asks my website history. It’s uninspiring. Now you start fucking up my PC performance with spyware or

Are you willing to pay 80 dollars for games? Because games are incredibly expensive to make and we pay less at retail for them now than we ever have.

Money needs to be made somewhere and when games that sell 4+ million can be said to have underperformed, simply hoping they sell super well is not working.

So take your

You know, I think I understand why people are actually trying to make good choices here instead of just having a wave of people trying to sink the ship in record time. The draw is that people can actually feel like they’re trading for real, but without having to risk their own money on bad choices. If it’s just “lol,

When I was about his age I’d go to Toys R’Us after school to play Goldeneye on their display N64.

When I started having panic attacks, it was also during watching movies with my wife. probably triggered from some kind of imaginary anticipation during rest, because when you work long hours you’re used to only very short breaks.