
"During public sessions, its legal status is that of a one-way public toll-road with no speed limit (except on the approach to the two exits). Vehicles must be 100% road-legal, and normal German road traffic law applies. Unlike a trackday there's no safety briefing or helmet required."

And yet, in the German legislation, it is considered a 2 lane unrestricted toll road. Road laws apply like anywhere else.

It's a public road!

Ford Fiesta Bebop, anyone?

Ford Fiesta Bebop, anyone?

Arguably, "the grandfather of corporate jet industry" is the Morane-Saulnier Paris. A 4-seater jet from 1969 !

Cannot be unseen.

That's the Stig's American cousin.

Got a lap with her in an e60 M5 back in '05, boy was it memorable. Drifting our way into the karussell, I thought we were gonna flip but she kept the shiny side up easy peasy.

You're SO old.

What are you even doing on this site?

Compact, cheaper, safer on the limit (understeer is a lot less scary), more room in the trunk. The reason why they didn't move to FWD earlier was a matter of building transversal gearboxes, which is trickier.

It's a nuclear strike simulation. Even thought it's a dummy war head, I am guessing they're not keen on showing it off.

AMG and manuel aren't known to go hand-in-hand. Even back when auto meant slow, sluggish and infuriating.

A Z3 M Coupé interior, pretty damn blue too.

That's true. They hadn't paid their caterer for weeks, said caterer decided it had enough. Caterharm mechanics went to McDonalds (true story) while my Renault staff (my colleagues) went to our other customers' hospitalities.

Classic rule 34 :)

What's the deal with the compressor wheel??