
Sounds like Maisie Williams needs to dump her boyfriend. 

Maybe my biggest concern is that you don’t even acknowledge that writing a “people who don’t want to vote make a good point” headline on a politics site that tons of people read is super dangerous and misleading, especially in an age where people only read the headline. 

I’m sorry, I understand that many states make it hard to vote and employers aren’t letting people off to do this, you make time and you figure it out. This is privilege at work here. Multiple people complain about the post office and stamps. “It’s hard to find a stamp” is the dumbest shit ever. None of the people

These guys aren’t just the problem: they perpetuate the problem. So many people get this idea and go “Well, I’m bored anyway. I’ll tank like X did and have some fun.” For every shitty streamer who tanks other people’s games to do this, 5 more people in each game suffer playing 5v6 and a few others think it’ll be fun

I’ve literally never gotten Ana boosted at a time when it was helpful or prudent. “GET IN THERE!” she screams at me, a Roadhog who has just walked out of the spawn as the payload moves ever further, my stubby legs waddling down El Dorado as I fire blindly into the middle distance.

This is very good.

This is the best thing to happen to 2016.

What Overwatch character would you go on a vacation with and why?

I’d love to play if Blizzard wasn't in the middle of a DDOS attack on their servers right now

I have played Kings Quest and I have read The Hike by Drew Magary. The Hike is so much better than Kings Quest. Read The Hike.

I’m friends with Andy and I roll with him regularly in the Division. It’s kind of incredible how people can have a work life AND still have a private life where things like “playing video games” is something they’d like to do! What’s next, a celebrity who READS BOOKS or WATCHES TV SHOWS?!?!

Oh neat, so now I don’t have to worry about my party being destroyed by 8 rogues rolling together with exploited gear, we can all just be wiped out by one douchebag now. fun.

One of the biggest issues (aside from ALL THE ISSUES) is that Ubisoft and The Division have been absolutely atrocious at communicating anything at all about any of this. Daily missions not popping or changing, bug and DZ issues, and any number of terrible things seem to be totally ignored. The official facebook and

Old Man Logan is still in the new U. It’s pretty great actually.

In college, my friends and I were obsessed with Waialae Country Club Golf for the Nintendo 64. We repeatedly played tournaments, but one night we decided to put our skills (and money) on the line for a full four round non-stop tournament. Four people playing 4 rounds of 18 holes of golf nonstop. We’d take 5-10 min