
Who’s going to explain to these dumb ass conservatives that the confederates hated America and declared war against it?

We have a tradition...volunteers from the community gather at the beaches the day after a major holiday and clean up trash. I’m glad to see DC doing the same in their neighborhoods..

As a heads up, the HemisFear wasn’t just some concept drawing, they actually built half a dozen of them and sold off five (At an eye-watering $298,000 each).

They “fixed” it in a one-off concept. . . and then never sold a production version of that car. Main improvements were a V8, stick and a larger trunk in a redesigned aft. Interesting, when MT got their hands on it, they made note of functioning AC in the show car, leading them to wonder if this was a potential refresh

The best part was him pretending to be SHOCKED at how upset this made everyone. Like as though this dog-whistle bullshit hasn’t meant the exact same thing to the exact same kinds of people for years. Drew Brees knows damn well (just like he did back then) that the protest had nothing to do with the flag. 

He had two choices.

“Aggressive?” Rotten dick nuggets, no one would get aggressive with you if you MYOB. I would get aggressive too, he wasn’t security or a property manager. Whitey needs to stop deputizing themselves.

At some point the black delegation is going to have to settle on a name for male Karens

Shit that sounds terrible man, stay safe.  I’m in Seattle, where people are taking it a little bit more seriously, but I still have serious doubts about all this re-opening nonsense. People are hurting, I get that, but shit, you can’t come back from being dead. 

In just the months of April and May, here in rural Georgia I’ve observed people at our local grocery stores go from about 75% mask usage and at least attempting to social distance to lately about 10% mask usage and no real effort to social distance, other than following the 6ft marks on the floor. Restaurants that

I bought this album hoping it would be as good as Straight Outta Compton. I was a senior in high school five weeks from graduating when this came out. It went into my CD changer and didn’t leave until I left for Syracuse University in July. My god Cube went for the throat and then some. All the white kids I went to

Oh how I remember the public and the media’s huge case of the vapors when someone clued them in to ‘gangster rap’

Wait, nobody is going to comment on this “hypothetical brand expansion” of Corvette into SUVs? Then allow me to start that conversation.

Yeah, I have no particular love for Jerry Krause, but damn, Reinsdorf is getting off *super* easy in a lot of these recaps, and it is 100% because he’s still around and has sway with ESPN and people to defend him. The buck stops with the owner, right? He could have fixed Pip’s contract, he could have fired Krause or

Ive seen one in real life here in Chicago. And you could imagine the joy on my face when I realized what it was! I wanted to wait for the owner so badly. But sadly, they never showed. So I went around the front to see more of this giant slab of wedginess and boom! It was winking at me! Love at first sight? I’m not

i love this car, it’s hilarious.

“The bad news is the electronics weigh 180 pounds. The good news is the rear seats are now heated.”

Having had the opportunity to drive one for a couple of weeks, I would say the car was both exciting and terrifying. Exciting in that it was feast and smooth. In a strait line. In the curves, it was a handful.

I fervently avoid watching any smidgen of 46-1 live or recorded...but I would put it on replay if this happened, just to watch his reaction lol

I really want to see the melt down on live TV where someone, anyone, just blurts out “OBAMA!” the next time one of these dolts asks “Who could have done it better?”