
all im going to say is , as a lady, if i used a ten year old pic of myself for anything, i would be crucified for it. hard CP even if it wasn’t overpriced. not sure what this guy did in ten years to add value (doubt he did any of the listed mods) but having taken 0 usable images of it? in that entire time? no, sir

Yeah it is silly, Because South Korea has government that believes in science and testing. We have a moron that ignored all the signs and did nothing about. We didn’t test, do any type of social distancing and acted like this was a fucking joke. When your leadership goes on television and calls it a “hoax” you are

January 3rd. That was the date that the first cases hit both The US & South Korea at the same time. Look at their reaction as a nation because of their leadership and look at ours. They practiced social distancing and began heavy testing and look at them now. Not us. Our “leadership” called this a hoax and dismissed

This is why I think that Covid-19 should be called the Trumps (like the Mumps). He needs to own this disease. He likes putting his name on everything anyway.

Hold up. You believe them when they say he isn’t being tested? Where have you been the last 3 years?

Oh nice they made a Ford Flex Sport!

I mean, maybe he thinks it’s a political calculation, but I seriously doubt that this nomination is what’s going to tip the scale. If it wasn’t this fig leaf, they’d’ve found another.

Personally, I don’t particularly give a crap about his - or anyone’s - motives. I’m not giving a pass to racist acts if they weren’t

Well, see, there’s this election coming up and this would look cool on an campaign commercial targeted to the “urban” market. Seriously, I know Trump never heard of this guy before one of his flunkies told him this would score him points with “the blacks.” I hope he succeeds and doesn’t fall In line and become another

This isn’t a broken clock and it’s not “right,” (please don’t interpret that as a knock against the man’s qualifications); it’s a racist politician with an extremely racist base and an upcoming election trying to trick naive people into thinking he’s not quite so racist so they’ll either vote for him or stay home and

I feel like I’m drifting into my own policial sunken place.

It will fail, most people want wagons with manual transmissions, and crank windows.

Imma interrupt for a second to talk about Lev Parnas. I thought he was just a dumb Patsy when he got picked up be the feds. Who knew that he had All The Receipts?

Historically I have used a car buying service - these days usually the one from USAA (which is powered by TrueCar I think, but the prices are usually a lot lower than the ones the normal truecar website spits out for some reason - maybe extra negotiated discounts for veterans?). What are your thoughts on such car

The MAGA chuds don’t give a fuck about having allies. Their lack of knowledge about how the rest of the world sees us is a shield at times like this. They’ve never traveled outside of the US so to them other countries are just “jealous” of how awesome The US is. This is why this dumbfuck has to be defeated. The longer

Yeah, you MAGA motherfuckers who still down for your son of a bitch ass Fearless Leader, grab your rifles and your kids and head over to downtown Iran and defend his bullshit, you dumb, Nabisco cookie eating, dipping them in Country Time Lemonade ass slewfoots, you. 

Wow....I have to say I’d want to keep the fuel stops, if only for the safety issue of having 187 gallons of high explosives in a custom container behind me.

Regarding that last point. Tesla actually cooperates with existing businesses already to position the superchargers at locations that already have a restaurant or at least a convenience store. In Texas, they seem to have a deal with the Love’s gas station chain to put the superchargers at the same locations (the one

I agree it would be an awful move, and despite that its still possible he’d do it anyway. I mean this is the same fool that live-tweeted threats to Yovanovich during the hearing earlier.

Hitchiking as a teenager. 2 lane road with gravel shoulders. Was picked up, driver accelerated to 45-50 mph then turned to me and said “If you’re sober you’re driving!” and passed out cold. Car swerved still going 50. I grabbed shifter (column shift) and threw it into Park. Rear wheels locked up (RWD) with huge clouds

It was 1972 and I was driving from my hometown in the Midwest in a Chevy Vega packed to the ceiling from the back of the front seats on with all my stuff, to what would be my first semester at USC in LA. I was somewhere in Utah, late in the day, when the Interstate Highway quit and became just a two lane road. Just