
All alone except for flight crew, yet he still had to take a selfie. 

How much you want to bet they still made him wait for his boarding group number to be called before he could get on the plane?

You’re supposed to clean the snow off your car before you drive it, sooo...

Is the police gonna make the rounds on TV talking about how awful she is? Is she gonna get charged with 16 felonies? Is the mayor gonna have a news conference about how awful this is, how she wasted the cops time and how she would pay for the *manhunt* that took place?

My niece is a student at 59th Street Elementary in Hyde Park where this photo was taken. This is a small, overpopulated but neglected and underserved school where every student is either Black or Hispanic. On that day, Nipsey donated $10,000 to renovate the playground’s old basketball courts. I genuinely believe he

Oh, and the part where you hired Robert Mueller and got black people to pull for the FBI? That was genius.

It doesn’t make sense to ‘close the border’. We do a lot of trading with Mexico. They buy our stuff, we buy their stuff - we more or less have factories IN Mexico and ship the product up here to either sell directly, or use the parts to build other stuff.

I never understood how murdering someone on your doorstep would lead to good things in the near future. You’d think you would just answer the door, be like “nah, you got the wrong place” and move on with your night.

So much this. I live in Houston and have tried the flood car route before. You can't come back from that, no matter how many parts you swap more will fail.

For $2500 I’ll live with whatever quirks it has. Check the car carefully for flood damage though, with all of the hurricanes and shit in Texas. It’s a steal as long as it hasn’t gone for a swim. 

You’re so very welcome. It’s truly humbling to get to meet these folks and tell their stories. More to come!

It had me until the miles. I know Hyundai has come a long way since the ’80s, but I don’t know how they are when they hit the mileage stratosphere. This is a bit above drive-it-til-it-breaks money; not sure I’d want to gamble.

This is a tough one.....

I’m not a courtroom lawyer but I’m 99% sure cops don’t have the jurisdiction to make sure someone is a really a lawyer in court. That’s the court’s job and only the court’s job. The cop is there for security and to bring criminal defendants in and out of custody. This cop should 100% be fired but I’m sure he won’t be.

I saw this on Baltimore news last night. Same headline, lawyering while black. I can’t wait to hear the excuses already in the making to explain how this wasn’t racial profiling (“when I stopped him, I smelled marijuana, so it seemed suspicious.” “His tail light was broken”, “we verify and double check every lawyer

I blame the corporate media (especially MSNBC) for incessantly hyping the Mueller investigation as the means to get Trump impeached when in fact the investigation was so narrow in scope (did Trump and Russia collude together to rig the ‘16 election?) the end result was to be expected. How many hours did they spend of

Me rn.

“The university wants to hold a meeting with students to prevent the incident from happening again, but it seems like they should be talking to the police.”

You’re not from the US/Mexico border, are you.

“$300 daily rental charge and a limit of 75 miles per day “