
I guess we have to pull for McDonald’s and KFC to do him in.

This illegitimate motherfucker just physically threatened the majority of Americans that disapprove of him.

resulted in the involved officer being relieved of duty and of his role as a field training officer

I am always amazed that no matter the activity that when the police are called on one of us the immediate follow up is..... back up and more police need to be called. For real? Dylan Roof can be taken down by two officers but no matter the issue fifty fucking cops have to be called when a black man does anything. I

Not a penny.

This man has been alone in a room making deals with the likes of Putin and Kim Jong Un and I don’t think we’re going to know just how awful those deals were until it’s way past too late.

And here’s the thing about “Back Dat Azz Up:”

I’m going to go with real. I don’t think anyone would go through the trouble of registering their Fiero in Montana to avoid taxes:


Boomer money may make this unobtainable and barely used, but it means 2019 C7s will be worth approximately $2 in the near future.

It took me about 3 weeks to adapt to doing 130+ on the Autobahn. I dread the day when I have to return to the distracted, incompetent, arrogant, left lane hogs from where I’m from.  It's pathetic that phones are such a distraction and people can't just drive.  

Rechts fahren, bitte!

You learn the meaning of STAU rather quickly, as well as where your hazard blinker button is!

This is easily remedied by making such lanes limited entry/exit with jersey walls and not just solid painted lines. CA already does this with numerous HOV lane segments on various stretches of the 15, the 5, the 405, etc. So doing so for “autobahn” lanes ought to be a no-brainer, even for CALTRANS.

The grapevine? Fuck I can click up to 100 easy going past Camp Pendleton, and thats following other cars.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m so against this. The average American driver can’t handle a car above 45 let alone 100.

We honeymooned in Munich/Prague/Vienna this summer. You should’ve seen my surprise when I realized that the Autobahn was the highway system and not an actual single road. I remember seeing the “end speed limit” sign and being very confused at first. Very glad I looked up road signs to know beforehand. Unsurprisingly

Holy fuck. The 5 already feels like Talladega when you get over the grapevine. Do you know how many Escalades are going to want to do +120mph? 

If this happens, they’ll need to introduce a massive re-education campaign. American drivers don’t have the same discipline (and courtesy) that German drivers do.

Now playing

Super illegal, but you could install one of these electric folding plate gizmos.