
Reefer madness. 

The next time any white person tries to tell you how lazy POC are just remind them that 63 million of you thought that someone who never worked a day in his fucking worthless life should be president(lower case intentional). People in NYC could’ve told you this but no, you emotionally stunted assholes in the Midwest

I don’t get it. Why is a HISTORY of false arrests not enough to get him fired? I know the union is strong, but this is bad job performance. A valid reason to terminate!

David, how can you warm your cars up if they won’t start ?

If you watch the snoozefest, you know it wasn’t that easy of a win. They were playing like they knew the winner would get invited to the white house.

Unless you’re being profiled, in which case driving like you’re taking your grandma to church may get you pulled over. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. 

Owner decided it was actually too reliable and wanted to step up to a Range Rover.

Even if it were true, it’s less expensive than, say, the planning and resources and man-hours required to fly you to your shit-stain golf resort.

They don’t use Everify, which is, I believe, a free service to allow you to check your workers, if you really care about such things.

Stupid but also deeply afraid. 

His only skill is as a con man.  And he’s not even a good con man.  He’s an embarrassment to the snake oil salesmen of the 1800's.  The fact that he successfully duped 6.2 million people says more about humanity as a whole than it says about his capability.

Trump probably disrespects his base more than any other group. To him they are a bunch of rubes who believe anything he tells them and are just ripe for a con job. He is like a telemarketer who loves old people.

“Somewhere, Fancy Pelosi is being fitted for her new shades so she can stunt on these GOPers when she goes to give her speech about how she Debo’d the president and punk’d him into opening the government.

I remember when AOC and a few others from the House went looking for his ass a few days ago all around God’s green Washington, and couldn’t find him. Apparently, one of his titles he’s hidden from us is that he’s the Majority Leader of Hide-and-Seek.

Man Pete Davidson has really gone down the tubes since his break up with Ariana Grande...

Hypnotic is pretty much the perfect word.

your mother would be so disappointed in you.

“Help me MS-Paint, you’re my only hope...”

Maybe if it was 20 years older