
why the fuck they standing with candles in a cave in that pic are they gonna find willow and cast out a demon on the set of season 1 buffy the vampire slayer?

Billy Eichner and funny don’t belong anywhere near each other in a sentence unless that sentence also includes the words, “is not” directly before funny.

Frankly, I can’t wait until someone punches Billy in the neck. Come onnnnnn 2017. Momma needs a pick-me-up.

Ugh this fucking dude

So Armistice is just Istice now, right?

I just googled redtube. It’s not the same as YouTube Red. Not remotely. Don’t google it at work. I’m going to go pack my things and dust off my resume.

They have that. It’s called redtube. Whole different can of beans.

That, and/or the internet fans these days love to latch onto less seen/supporting characters in hopes of being seen as“special” fans(like Boba Fett fans in the 80's). Like some level of “geek cred” for knowing so much about a character whose actual screen time is less than a commercial break.

“She’s so mysterious and

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

The facts are, so called “adults” have been raving about meaningless childish things way past their 50's for decades.

Uh...huh. So, in your vaunted opinion, just what pastimes are acceptable for an emotionally and intellectually mature adult? Bingo and shuffleboard?

One can be emotionally and intellectually mature without being a boring old fart that only does boring old fart things in their spare time.