
How so? This is a retarded take. Was he introduced as some sort of charity case for ESPN Deportes? No, he was introduced as a normal sideline reporter, and should be expected to be able to do that job. He was absolutely horrendous, especially considering the people that ESPN recently laid off.

Ridiculous. Lou Holtz doesn’t speak English at all.

At ESPN Deportes his job is to provide his journalistic services in Spanish. At ESPN, it’s to do it in English. He did that poorly last night.

Right after we get one for SC6.

I look forward to finding out the Deadspin #1 while watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.

*Sound Engineer who Didn’t bleep that speaking with HR*

We need to branch out into different joke areas, this one seems beaten to death.

Not trying to be a jerk....but I literally thought that was ESPN doing a heart warming story where they let a special needs person be a sideline reporter. I am NOT joking. I thought he was special needs and we were going to hear it was a special thing that ESPN did for a “special” person in Denver.

And yet he’s still better than Beth and Rex. It is painful.

I’m actually furious that the reported used the “work/twerk” rhyme twice.

The only good in this story is the absolute STONES the responding officer had in going inside. We will never know how many lives s/he saved by having the courage to do what 99% of us, me included, would not do.

This is fucking terrible. I hate people who make glib jokes below these articles, but I swear to god I had to read this:

I hope the families of the victims are able to find peace at some point. Just terrible.

White People ruin everything.

Goes without saying...

Most places call them editors.

Let’s see, athlete at the tail end of his effective career (ranked in bottom quarter of his profession, by stats) with expensive contract decides to alienate sports’ base by protesting patriotic display and wearing “cops as pigs” socks. #winning.

But to say that Cowher is a quitter for retirig as an NFL coach with a SB ring is a ‘good take’? 21 years in the NFL is ‘quitting’?