Charles Forbin Jr.

"[Earth has] even spawned a radio-capable, space-faring civilization."

Bit of a strech. We have thrown some people at the nearest rock, chucked some junk into space and have driven a RC cars around. I'd hardly call us "space-faring". We are biologically weak boney, hairy, short lifespan having goo that hasn't settled

That's a good point, but he did disappear into Liberace (no ridiculous gay pun intended) pretty seamlessly, that's how good of an actor he is. I feel like Robert Downey Jr was very recognizable too (not quite as much, but still), but made iron man his own. The more great actors in these movies, the better I say!

I don't care what anybody says about this film, I cried my simple little heart out.

I don't know if you are joking with this comment, but I do agree with you. And I find it fascinating that in so many cases we see a great similarity between macro and micro views of the universe.

THANK YOU. This is exactly what I originally thought I was looking at.

Harold designed the machine so that when it did a hard reset on midnight, the first people to pick up and answer its call would have administrative access, but only for 24 hours. At the same time, before that ball dropped, the machine was already in the process of moving itself node by node to an undisclosed location,

i think Control is mistaken in her belief that Root can simply pass on Admin authority to her. I think it's The Machine who chose Root, not the other way around.

So that's what he did after he failed to hold Organia.

Only if they decide to let Captain America fight an actual Nazi....

This is what's wrong with the world. Right here, this. As much as I like RDJ, he is now another overpaid actor meddling wher he should not. If you want to get work for Mel Gibson, you bankroll the movie and make the man do the work to regain status after the hateful things heaid an trouble he made. Redemption is

Cut down RIGHT as it was really getting good.

Babylon 5

Dafuq is that O_o

If only we could harness this power for the benefit of mankind.