Charles Forbin Jr.

The part of me that saw Incredibles is excited.

Can we get some more adventures from the Three(ish) Doctors? I'd take a funny reality show of them just palling around. That's not too much to ask for, is it?

That's a lotta dam pictures.

I'm back next weekend, actually, but will be downtown and car-less. Maybe in the summer. :)

A meeting of two phenomenally entertaining titans of public science outreach, both of whom have been topics of discussion for recent projects, taking a silly selfie with the president? Yeah, as a reader of a popular science website, I'm interested in that.

Of course, I'm not a super-cranky-grumpy-puss.

This guy wasn't that bad, was he? :p


Thanks for that Annalee. Once again,I quote one of my favorite books.

These are cool, but they also look like accidents waiting to happen. Cool accidents waiting to happen.

The TARDIS. It isn't aerodynamic, or visually dynamic at all, it isn't, except from a very specialized and specific point of view, sexy. It's just a vehicle that can travel anywhere in time and space practically instantly but can also hover, chase other vehicles and crash spectacularly. It is, almost,

Nah, if we kept the same basic valuations, a dollar would be a dollar, the main difference would be change.