Charles Forbin Jr.

12 Hours Later.....

Racemization, tautomerization and isomerization of biological molecules are only slowed down by cryogenic temperatures, quantum effects, the cumulative effects of background radiation on tissues that can't repair themselves, and the fact that acid-base chemistries shift (look what happens to neutral phosphate buffers

I want to see the story of how the Jaegers became the Three Kings:

Michio Kaku strikes me as someone who is probably very brilliant in his field, but tries to be a generalist. That's fine. A lot of us do that around here. But we don't do it on national TV and we don't pretend to make a living out of it.

Don't take their word for it,just go ask Ted Williams's head.

Rogue is the Sylar of the Mutant 'verse. Over time she should easily be the most powerful mutant of them all. And since her power is to absorb other mutant's powers and they seem to have no trouble visualizing those I can see no rational reason to cut her out of the mutant's story line. But Marvel Comics is well known

Thankfully,this eliminates the telling of her later life story.

If it was such a problem, you should have asked. Since water is too precious a commodity in space for washing clothes, you have to get it someplace else.

I don't believe lasers actually go pewpew.

be careful what you wish for.


Ellenor Frutt is tired of trying to reason with you people.

Now playing

Of course when Shaw said, "Everyone I trust is in this room." I thought, "What about the wife?" You can't trust statements like that in TV shows. It's a dead give away.

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I agree about the toaster. It's best we keep those things as unchanged as possible.

As someone who is terrified of flying I'd like Planes to be included on this list.

Agreed, but that's a big part of why flying cars won't happen anytime soon - it takes a LOT more training to fly even the most basic plane than a car. Adding a 3rd dimension of motion makes things exponentially more complex. Training in how to pilot a vehicle capable of VTOL is even worse - helicopter controls are

How about the promised-but-never-delivered Moller sky car.