Charles Forbin Jr.

I love this guy and his hair and the gleeful way he calm describes destroying things. Pure mad scientist goin' on there!

You Are Here.

So instead of the country, we live in the burbs?

Heck...make a mini series on River Song!

Well, I'd say the "lesbian subtext" would be in the eye of the beholder. Oddly enough, The Doctor's had plenty of male companions without people seeing the gay.

If I could only be frozen and woken up once, I would choose to go around 40 or so - still healthy, and old enough to be taken seriously when I wake up - and be woken up in say...200 years. Enough time that I think humans will still be here, but we'll have made exponential gains in medicine, science, and technology.

I would freeze myself on Sunday night and thaw out Friday afternoon... skip the work week and give myself the illusion of a forever weekend!

Kind of like surgeons, who still basically cut something out of you with a knife, sew you together with string, and tell you to wait a while.

Clearly, going forward ships should be assembled by underwater divers, then floated gently to the surface by salvage crews.

The second video clearly shows that the incident was triggered by a woman hitting the ship with a bottle — I hope they find her.

Is "Christ the Redeemer" really really big, or is it just forced perspective? I mean, it looks really really big in most photos, but it looks pretty small there.

It's not bad at all. Tony thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. And most of the time, he's right. But being a genius at science and engineering doesn't necessarily make you an expert at tactics or security.

(only some of the) Iron Man 3 major failings:

Space is cheap, that's the sad truth.

More than a president who values NASA, we need a Congress who respects it and Science.