Charles Forbin Jr.

I get a very creepy "Robots of Death" vibe from these guys.

It would be a nice historical throw-back if cement, which was so revolutionary for the Romans (and onward) became revolutionary today.

If your friends told you that Jurassic Park sucks, than I strongly suggest getting new friends. Also, what inaccuracies?

But seriously where else could one capture this awe inspiring moment.

"My name is Moe Szyslak. When I was a kid I had round worm - Heck, I was more worm than boy for a couple of years - I dabbled in Satanism until I was asked to leave, oh, and one month I ate nothing but aquarium fish."

Probably should have added it's coming out 30 July

Cool, so with this new device, maybe we can finally see a politician's integrity.

hasn't everyone learned the lesson of Watchmen, that when you have a "superman" everyone else is useless? What does a god need with a sidekick?

I recall really enjoying Quark. but at that age, it might have been for the Barnstable twins.

Here's my crazy theory: it's the same as with religion; people desperately want to think there's some order in the Universe, that there's someone, or someones, in charge, and that things happen for a reason. They can't handle the truth: that there's a lot of crazy random non-deterministic stuff out there and things

The console turns on just from you saying "Xbox on".

Okay, I'll say it.

I'm not paranoid, and I'm not a luddite. I know this is the future, and I know people generally don't give a crap what I'm saying and doing in my home. But let's be honest here - this is an internet-connected webcam and microphone that is (at

That, sir... is a microprocessor.

The movie was fun. I liked everything about it. Except the script. And I agree completely with this post. Anybody who read the script should have known it was bad for all these reasons. Most of them could have been easily fixed. I agree completely with how he feels about Khan. That could have been fixed by

You've been too busy looking at her blueoobs?

Now I like Continuum quite a bit, but isn't that episode description every episode of the show?

I don't think that genes should be able to be patented. As you said it creates this HUGE ethical gray area, just like patenting seeds does (shakes fist at Monsanto). What we really need to do is better fund our research facilities so that they can do this research, or someone needs to figure out a reimbursement system

Analee, I want to thank you for featuring this show. It's one of the smartest science-fiction shows ever produced, yet it gets little coverage among the blogs.

It doesn't matter.