Charles Forbin Jr.

Any aliens out there are almost certainly much more advanced than us. The universe is almost 15 billion years old, in round numbers. Human civilization is about 5,000 years old so that makes the universe about 3,000,000 civilizations old. Let's guess that the first million were spent with planets cooling, life

The site does say "We come from the future, right?"

Looks interesting and I will probably do the right thing and pirate it when it comes out. So that Orson Scott Card does not get any of my money!

And right here, you will see that the amount of tangled hangers in you closet is directly proportional to the number of single socks in you drawer.


The caveat that space travel for the aliens will be cheap and easy does indeed through the door wide open! Aliens could afford to come all the way from Altair 4 just to screw around, performing aerobatics and making crops circles and who knows what all.

Cocaine is a helluva drug..

Well, on their device, I hope they posted one of these.

It seems strange that they'd ignore what made the Marvel movies successful in their attempt to replicate that success. Instead of taking a series of popular movies and connecting them, they're actually going to go from one successful movie and derive from that not only the group movie but potentially also

Where you been, Dr. Dave? Your absence was definitely noticed.

Just what I always wanted, a womb with a view.

McG or Brett Ratner? Dodged that bullet.

Nah...heard of Spock Rage though.

They absolutely do, perhaps the spin of super-massive black holes is a part of what determines the shapes of galaxies.