Mach 5 Skylon huh? Didn't we just retire The Concord, a Mach 2 plane because of empty seats and high prices???
Mach 5 Skylon huh? Didn't we just retire The Concord, a Mach 2 plane because of empty seats and high prices???
I was hoping to use the "gaga" neuron transmitter chemical as a supplement that induces the drunk behavior instead of drinking all that booze.
you beat us all to it.
I thought alot about everyone's comments last night. Maybe Smart bombs make war to sterile? As has been said, targeting civilians demoralize's you. So then, maybe war should be bloody and utterly painful so that the only option is peace???? I wish I knew the answer.
Mutual assured destruction?
As others have noted, I can't speak for what is happening in Israel since I am not there. Having said that, Israel did not just drop ONE bomb that killed hundreds. Also, it is well known that Hamas, a terrorist group, not all Palestinians, use children as shields and schools as launch sites. Smart weapons reduce…
I have to disagree. If war is the only option, then "smarter weapons" [yeah, i know] may reduce civilian casualties by targeting specific people or specific areas. A laser guided bomb that kills the intended target is what modern warfare has brought instead of bombing a whole neighborhood.
I stand corrected. The command center. The video shows it all in green screen and then cuts to a shot from the episode in final form. Either way, it looks completely real. Dam impressive.
"Evolutionists believe The earth is millions of years old."
I could have sworn the bridge was an actual set. It looks completely real. Darn that CGI.
My eyes! What has been seen, can not be unseen.
I grew up on Star Wars. [telling my age] When Empire came out, my mom wouldn't let me go. So after I got off the bus at school, I got on a MTA bus to the mall with a friend and watched it. I can't tell you how excited I am all these years later to have more of that story to see on the big screen. I can't wait!
So then: "That's one small step for humans, one giant leap for humanity."
It looked like the picture of the rapids was "melting." Not just the water part but the trees also.
I remember reading not so long ago that Google has a computer that picked out a picture of a cat WITHOUT teaching the computer specifically what a cat is. I'm certain a ton of programming went into it but to actually have the computer do it, pretty darn impressive. My idea for robot [machine] intelligence is the…
Last thing I remember saying before being taken to the ER. "..... I know we were saving for the kid's college fund but I saw this whale kite and it was only $6,000."
You are absolutely correct. And I thought I knew stuff, oh well. Is there not a "standard model" for the formation of The Universe?
Just when you thought The Standard Model said it all, BOOM!
Zachary will not leave before Star Trek 13. Just a rumor for a larger contract.
There are different levels of autonomy. My Australian Sheppard [Boomer, if you knew him] had free will. Yet he always stopped what he was doing and came when I called. Certainly my dog was more alive than a robot and I provided food and shelter, but it never occurred to me that his time needed to be "compensated." In…