Charles Forbin Jr.

I'm all for it. Really I am, IF it were feasible. Wrong word. Better to say plausible. Anything could be feasible if you put enough money into it. Lets take solar for instance since I happen to know the stats from memory. It would take an area approximately equal to all of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico

I understand your comment [because of storage?] but must disagree. Nuclear is the only type of power plant that can be ramped up or down as needed depending on load. Coal plants need weeks to cool off and weeks to restart. Every other type of commercial renewable such as wind, solar and wave combined make up just a

I live in the city. There are some trees and lawns but if you are talking plants, forget about it. Maybe a few dozen, max. [My block.] Hopefully your extra plants make up the difference.

Some quick math.... 7 Billion people need 500 plants each equals 3,500,000,000,000 plants. Does the Earth have 3.5 Trillion plants?

Bad enough I wont be around to see spaceships, I'm going to miss this too!

Like you said, she wants to find out who put the hit on them all those years ago. I bet we'll find the answer when Finch has to turn the donkey wheel.

"...The large commercial scale plant will produce 317 gallons per day."

I wouldn't usually say this about the sun, but that was cool.

Unfortunately for me, by the time I got there in the late 70's the ribbon cartridges were on their last legs and not being replaced anymore. I still have program assignments on punch cards but cant read them anymore. Those were the days.

It would seem that the technology would be able to remove most of the doubt as to how "brain dead" a person is on the inside. This can only be a good thing, no?


There's something in my eye.

Fantastic insight! You really made my day.

Particles are passing through me every minute!?!? I knew I had good reason to wear my aluminum foil hat.

My first thought was, why bother. The movie was strictly ok and not something I'd even watch a second time. Just checked the wiki site and it did make 400M which shocked me. I can only guess that he wants to make it as a tribute to his brother as the last thing they worked on.

Maybe this was last season, but didn't Lucifer meet all the "Other gods" once at a hotel or something and basically kill them all? Where are this seasons Roman gods from then??

He sure showed them, 63 years later.

How would you know if they did?

Hundreds? Thousands? LINUS, give me back my blanket!

"...Evidence of a new black hole inside the Milky Way galaxy."