Charles Forbin Jr.

Any word on what the ratings for the show are? If its not doing so well, maybe that's why it was pushed back to not compete with other shows? Still no word on a legacy sequel either?

I know its about boredom but I think if I live to a 1000 or 10,000 I would still be paying rent, gas and electric, food and so on. I'd never be able to stop working.

I can not find the edit button, so here goes again.

Yes, of course. Thanks.

Looks like we all read it that way. But as everyone here suggests, knowing too would spoil it. Better to say that 900 years ago, a man and a woman time lord had a baby boy and named him Doctor.

Isn't that what the Mars' revolt was all about in B5?

Fantastic. But how do I create a ten foot long skeeball out of tens of thousands of K'nex "in secret?"

Must resist urge or find new wife.

I want my 24 seconds back.

I'm pretty sure its 240 thousand miles.

I loved the movie. No doubt about it. BUT, there is one detail that's bothersome. The comic books and the first [Nolan] movie clearly establish that Bruce and Alfred built a rudimentary Batcave under the mansion over time. By the third movie, there is a hydraulic(?) platform which raises and lowers from under water.

A "secret tunnel" that is part of the public record?

Batman/Grendel is a fantastic story.


I've been watching The Simpsons for 23 years!?!?!?!?!?! AHY CARAMBA!

Agree. Weapons to maximum.

Nothing about the 50th anniversary?

A spider has eight legs and a mental framework the size of a grain of rice. Maybe with practice we could.

Completely agree! Who cares about a bright pixel on the computer screen? I would love to see what a sun falling into a black hole looks like from an optical telescope.